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1/26 Pewaukee Ice Dive #2

Writer's picture: SesoSeso

Well 5 divers (Pete, Roger, Jeff, Mark and John) were able to to go out and I even remembered my wet suit this week, a very Happy Puppy for sure. John got to muck around with Jeff, 1st in the water on a very crowded lake. A beautiful sunny day expected and temp was projected in the low 30's by the EOD, prior to that not so much.

The lot was pretty empty when we got there, Pete checked the ice depth very carefully with Mark all the way to the destination and we set out away from the ice boats and fishermen, with a slight delay. Why?

We loaded up the trailer while boys were still away, Pete ran into a little snafu...Pete had to tear apart the ATV to change the plug, since it was only firing on one and had a slight halting issue on the return. Nothing like fixing an ATV laying on the ground in 11 degrees. All done, now drive out on that ice avoiding the tip ups and boats. Never give up on a dive, got to improvise and its good to know someone that knows where plugs go

Water was very clear, well before Jeff and John went down. Good thing they were only given 90 feet ;) sure they said 170', but how can you tell? John brought back an almost new bike and fishing pole, which might have caused a slight disturbance to the bottom.

These treasures were well worth the effort to bring back, Mark found the broken jar.

John found a few bottles, but the were not embossed and cleaned them in the hole. Not sure where that shirt ended up? Roger do you know?

We asked Robert to tag along, but as you can see he didn't seem too thrilled with the idea of diving in 39 degree water with a stiff wind from the NW, or was it Jeff's idea that we should drop them all off at the dive shop, Jeff said he was sure they would like them.

Back to the dive, Pete had to sit in the hole for a bit of time, due to Mark finding out how slippery the ice was and spraining his thumb when he went boom boom on the way out of the trailer. Started to turn purple very soon.

Roger got to go all alone to the center depths of Pewaukee, but not much there other than muck and some good visibility away from the hole.

Roger of course was very giddy upon the return, since he got to go out by himself.



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