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Lake Delavan 5/1 - Introduction to Fry Pie's

A beautiful evening for diving on Lake Delavan on a semi warm day. Paul, Pete, John &

Jeff made it to the launch even though Pete doesn't know what hands free is :)

Only Paul was concerned about that driving, hauling a trailer w one hand. Launched w/o incident and no white pelican's this year :(

Testing the very VERY clean boat for the first time, we had to keep it spotless for all.

You could eat off that floor, but no food was allowed on boat for 1st dive. ;)

Captain Pete kept the clean ship, well for an hour at least.

Nobody on the glass lake, let us choose our destiny and it didn't disappoint.

Anchors and goodies for the floor

Only a few zebra muscles were left behind. Poor John had to haul up the 30lb anchors, Pete was tired and even with the big float we were a little low. Left 4 below for next time

Well all that exercise means we need to fill those calorioes back into our system!

Jeff introduced us to "fry pies"!!! OMG

These little beacons of goodness were not quite fat free, but really yummy. I think I only had 2, but then again who counts with goodies of delight!

Jeff was just working on putting down #4, but hey I'm not counting and no Roger to eat the one remaining one :)

7 Anchors and a few nice bottles, even a tackle box were the haul from the first successful boat dive of the year. Thanks Pete for taking us in that formerly clean boat :)

Even Pete was settled down for the sugar coma after the fry pies!

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