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No Turkey hunt, but we dove Hunters Lake 4 26

Writer: SesoSeso

Tom, Roger, Jeff, Mark, Pete and John traveled to Hunters Lake. Weather was not that bad even had a walker say hi to us as they went by. Kind of embarrassing since someone named "Roger" was flashing in his trousers. She started a run after that sight!

Yup, there is a lake there somewhere through the trees to find.

Launch was not too crowded when we arrived.

Even spoke to the fisherman, nothing on the south side biting.

Well we stocked up on some goodies supplied and slightly taunted with pictures during the day to the team.

Roger took John's dive bag and ripped everything out until he found the trove of delicious cookies. Poor John had to repack it all.

Oh they were so good, thanks to Sue for making crunchy outside and gooey in the middle. Roger did say he saved up all his "treat allocations" for the whole day to eat :)

Well we did run into a few issues making the stop at the launch. Poor Jeff blew his brake lines trying to make the stop. Well he did collect all the juice on some of the cookie trays to not make a stain on the road. Roger had his own accident, but I'm really not sure what his puddle was due to, but not pretty at all. You can caption it yourself!

Treasures were quite a few to be found. A few bottles (Pete stole the milk bottle from underneath me), an anchor and a fishing pole.

Pete's bottle at top was a pretty blue color, maybe next meeting we will find out more?

Roger found the 9 hole rod, diving along. Water was only 40 degrees and visibility was not too bad. Tom didn't dive, but made sure nobody got lost and no cars stolen.

A good day was had by all. Off to Pewaukee next week hoping the water is warmer.



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