Happy New Year, 4 divers popped in for a cool Nehmabin dive.

Roger, Jeff, Mark & Pete with John & Otter watching

Not too bad weather and lake was open

Don't worry about the sign its ok, Otter marked it so all good!

Mark and Jeff went loop de loo and ended up on West shore

Pete and Roger went solo, Pete finding a new rock bar and Roger had his new wand

Rogers new tool

it has to be noted that Rogers new wand of shame (from Paul's design) found and anchor and took roger an awful long time to move around. Apparently, swiping takes a bit more effort than swimming in the muck. Roger did Muck a cloud for Pete to travel through and it was not very pleasant.

Visibility was great to 50 feet.

Otter said it really wasn't that bad.

Very clear, where are those rusty crayfish?

Watching the boys was a bit distracting, or though Otter thought.

Gosh I hope Pete has enough Propane ;)

A prize anchor, debating if he really needed that lift bag...John's 26lb one would have

been fine for that little guy.

Maybe even Otter could have swam with that little thing...sorry roger not that little thing

New find for Pete and so the trip was well worth it. Too bad he pulled a John on one bottle...find out next dive meeting. Wow those bottles have a lot of mud in them...

Roger was thrilled for sure, Marks got some new glasses

Guess that mud is kind of sticky.

A great kick off for the new 2024 dive season!
